Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Accidental Workouts- 5 Workouts You Can Do Without Feeling Like You Are Excercising

It's honesty time. We all say that we don't have time to work out- but if you watch one TV show a day, then you have time to work out- it's just that sometimes we don't want to..... When it comes to real health, though, small changes that you can do for the rest of your life are the ones that are the most beneficial. So, for those of us looking to do a little extra exercise but without actually feeling like you are exercising, here are five ideas.

1. Specially plan your grocery shopping trip- head to a store like Wal Mart or Sam's Club. Instead of going first to produce, then frozen, grocery, dairy, and health care, mix it up- hit produce, and then head to the other end of the store for non foods. Go back for dairy, then go go for grocery. Stop and visit the clothes/DVD section, and finish with frozen. By making a route through the store that is winding instead of direct, you will do a lot of extra walking and therefore burn extra calories! Grocery shopping may take a little longer, but it will be worthwhile. (Every extra 15 minutes of walking= 58 calories)

2. What is your favorite place to shop? Leave you credit card and money at home and go window shopping at the mall- or a hardware store- or a garden shop- whatever it is that you enjoy. Just getting out and wandering around will make you burn extra calories, but since you will just be out looking at things you enjoy, you won't even really notice all the extra walking. (15 minutes of walking= 48 calories)

3. Take your child on a walk in a stroller, but throw some heavy books in the bottom for extra resistance. You'll likely be distracted by your child, the walk, etc., and won't even notice the extra work that you're doing. (15 minutes walking=58 calories)

4. What is the dirtiest place in your house? Plan for a deep clean! Scrubbing, washing, vacuuming... It's an easy little something you have to do anyway- so the cleaner your house, the thinner your waist line! Not too shabby! (15 minutes cleaning= 38 calories. 1 hour cleaning=152 calories)

5. It's Spring!!! Want to get out in your garden? Mow the lawn? Pull weeds? Do it! (15 minutes of gardening=52 calories. 1 hour of gardening= 208 calories!)

EXTRA: Make it a habit to park far away. Easier to get a spot and if you make it habit, you will be doing extra walking and burning extra calories for your whole life! (Though I confess I HATE parking far away...)

Come on- none of these are overly challenging- but all of them are little lifestyle changes you can make to help you stay in decent shape.

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